Poem - "Imaginary Landscape with 29 Birds (After Audubon)" by Marc Jampole

"Imaginary Landscape with 29 Birds" 
by Marc Jampole

Reptile stalking snake legs balance

whiter feather arching cruelty ending eyes
black-brown scissors poking after lizard slither.
Hooping Crane

Water ripples moving sand dunes follow

white plumed body backwards happy
neck primed to suck a fly off surface.
Trumpeter Swan

Claws embed in dying bird flesh dripping

blood and liver morsels brooding watchful
screeches floating feathers settling cliffward.

Pale cerulean cover clouds with bloodlust cackle

steel spikes slashing deeply into rabbit quiver
huge brown crossing peaks and whitecaps.
Golden Eagle

Blackened wing expanses stretching craw prongs

cradle deer head beaks a lover poised
to poke moist eyes sharing spoils making love.
Carrion Crow

Yellow claws clutch and lean away

from air stream joyful pipes to airborne
wind spans whirling over faded branch.
Black-winged Hawk

Turned away from sea cliff yearning

fledgling squawkers black and iron slivers
sparse crest move to hidden magnet wind rocks.
Great Cormorant

Webbed feet fern leaves clutch rock

brown and golden furry side rosettes
swelling doltish black-spot flowering eye-ring.
Horned Grebe

Six orange-headed white caw fly dead branches

bright green feathers move about conceiving leaves
at distance summer pecking hairy nuts.
Carolina Parakeet

Crest-hanging long white twists

wise considers distant farmer rice patch
yellow lances trample weed.
Snowy Heron

Barnacle molds adorning branches

beak thrust in beak thrust ensconcing kisses
feeding flap wings blissful yawn.
Passenger Pigeon

One web foot like white clam sucking black

hook-hanging eggshell beak, ballooning bellows
below bill shore-receded light house.
Brown Pelican

Black and white caught spreading action

water curve evading throat curve
open beak lands dead tree leaflessness.
Black-bellied Darter

Roseated wing expanse drips carmine deep

spoon bill wobbles claw-gripped rock decline
to gnat soup distant islands dreary.
Roseate Spoonbill

Night vitreous orbs yellow and question

in love with black in plume a thousand
birds in flight toward thickened nape.
Snowy Owl

Contented spiteful dissecting trout

open beak eye yellow glee beyond
river edge chopped cap white fly town.
Great White Heron

Black and pallid angel wings command

blench blue sky rough waters shriveled red legs
dangling steady taut dilapidated sea swells.
Black Skimmer

Pink-beak canopy on shore draws

over lesser bird isosceles carnelian
deeper than the water bleaching stand.
Scarlet Ibis

One slow red-legged paddles airborne snoot

green-quill cockade floating into lilies
one bullet flight aimed at marsh grass.
Red-breasted Merganser

Happy yellow compass comrade thrusting

back at turgid blue, darkly cobalt jets
ingot hanging wind endurance.
Great Blue Heron

Stream stepping craning open beak

unwary insect dark bar feathers
balance spawn in waded crest immobile.
Green Heron

Flaming solid crimson arch of neck

in taper shoulder wilting tail marsh
soak fellow splashing travelers.
American Flamingo

Yellow lining red smear blue smear yellow

white orb black top looking out befuddled
bloated white stripe grasses orange needle.
Atlantic Puffin

Cochineal seashell fear comb undergrowth

step softly craning pea-head panic perched
on purple candy-caned futility.
Wild Turkey

Long brown pods of honey-locust split

and seedless blackness pecks at bareness
clasps on pencil furling wing.
Fish Crow

One of many riding eastern hemlock

penetrating yellow bud other hanging
lanterns other flapping celebrations.
American Crossbill

Black oak’s grandiose green and tawny

butterflies unaware of to whip-poor whirring menace
set to pounce one already swallows colors.

World-weary dark grasses blooming

blue and auburn wrinkles drowsy curving
neck descent to ancient eyes watching ruin.

California Vulture
Or instead a shining metal elongation

lusting, thrusting towards the sky,
blinding color abstract movement.